
Making an Aquarium Tank

When you’ve decided upon the proportions, you’re ready to begin making your aquarium. It’s a helpful thing to keep in mind that you are able to use either brass or angle iron. Brass is the simpler material to work with; iron will need the use of welding plant. Nevertheless, if iron is preferred, a garage will generally do the welding fairly cheaply.

Cut two lengths of brass angle to correspond with the total perimeter, permitting about f in. for the bends at the corners. Now mark off the angle to correspond with the lengths of the two sides and two ends. It’s greatest to work from the centre of the angle when marking out, as this technique leaves some material at every end for the final sizing after the bending has been done. Use a hack saw to cut a ‘V’ 45° every side of the vertical line that marks the lengths, leaving a little quantity of material which you are able to file away with a flat file. Carry the groove to a depth that leaves a mark on the other side of the angle. This facilitates bending.

The angle is now ready for bending, and this ought to be executed carefully to stop the brass cracking within the weakened locations.

After bending, cut the two totally free ends to the correct lengths of side and end, mitre the corners at 45°, and also the frame ought to be a nicely formed rectangle. Repeat with the other length. These two frames will probably be the base and top of the aquarium.

Thoroughly clean the joints and all of the surfaces which will be in contact, treat with flux, and tin with solder.
The corners of the top and bottom frames can now be soldered together, but make certain that the edges naturally contact every other and that no force is required to hold them together.

Extra strength could be obtained if corner brackets are soldered to every corner. It’s worthwhile to make a jig for holding the frames square whilst the soldered joint is made, and you are able to do this either with a piece of wood cut to the inside dimensions of the frames, or with blocks screwed down to the top of the work-bench after ensuring the corners are square. Don’t attempt to press the frames into shape after soldering.

The four uprights can now be cut and filed to the required length. Once more make certain that the ends are clean and well tinned with solder. These can now be soldered into the four corners of the bottom frame, making certain that they’re perfectly square and upright. A little ‘C clamp could be utilized to hold them in position until firmly fixed.

The final operation would be to solder the top frame within the exact same manner. Once more, a wooden jig could be utilized. Unless an electric soldering iron is utilized the tip will cool prior to it has time to raise the brass to the required temperature to melt the solder. Then a blow lamp or methylated spirit blow torch will probably be essential. If you’re not especially expert at soldering, you are able to drill the uprights, and use little screws and nuts to hold the entire frame together until the soldering operation is finished. The screws are then removed and also the holes plugged with brass rivets, making certain that the heads are perfectly flat on the inside of the aquarium.

If angle iron is the material chosen, the joints could be made smoother and welding is a lot stronger than solder. The angle iron ought to be cut to equal the four lengths, the four ends, and also the four uprights, and every end mitered to an angle of 45°. When this is done all ends ought to fit snugly into every other ready for welding. After the welded joint has been made, the weld could be extremely carefully hammered to supply a smooth finish.

For aquariums over 30-in. lengthy, I advise an extra stiffener across the centre of the bottom and top frame to stop bowing of the lengthy sides. Even though the bowing might be slight, it’s nearly particular to trigger a leak eventually.

The frame is now ready to be painted within the colour you’ve chosen. It’s much better to use a coat of great oil paint instead of synthetic enamels or lacquers, as these tend to chip effortlessly and also the chips eventually discover their way into the aquarium.

With an iron frame, an undercoat of red lead prevents rust eventually forcing itself via the finished coat of paint.

The inside of the frame ought to be sparingly painted with gold-size to make certain cohesion between the cement and frame.

If paraffin or gas heating would be to be utilized to maintain the temperature, a slate bottom, or preferably a sheet of fully compressed stipple glazed asbestos (not to be confused with ordinary builders’ asbestos), will probably be essential. This can generally be supplied by a great builders’ merchant, but it’s advisable to take along with you a cardboard template of the actual size required. These materials could be sawn, but are extremely abrasive, so I advise you to use an old saw if you’re cutting it your self.

Once you’ve finished the frame, you’re ready to start work on the glass. Prior to putting the glass into the frame, run a smear of gold-size round the edges. This will assist to bond it to the cement. The kind of glass to be utilized doesn’t present any issues. The front panel of glass will obviously require to be clear, but the remainder could be horticultural or rough cast.

The base ought to have a clearance of 1/16 in. between the frame and also the glass or plate. Spread the cement liberally on the bottom edge of the frame to a thickness of approximately 1/4 in., making certain that the frame is well covered; lay the glass in and press gently downwards until the cement is about 1/8 in. in thickness. Clean any surplus cement with old knife.

Next, treat the two sides within the exact same manner, and then the two ends. Some aquarists advise wedging the two sides in position with sticks across the inside of the tank, but this technique distorts the glass, to ensure that when the sticks are removed it reverts to its natural shape and causes a leak.

The cement generally begins to harden after two or 3 days, and also the aquarium can then be filled with water. The pressure of water will give a final settling to the glass. Make certain that the aquarium is on a firm base which doesn’t rock, prior to filling. Once your aquarium is filled there’s no reason to empty it unless you’ve to repair a leak, or for some other emergency.

In the event you determine on a big tank, the bottom ought to be put in after the two sides, and also the ends last. This gives extra strength.

Source: aquarium fish and goldfish

Understanding Home Aquarium

Dogs and cats are no longer the only popular choices in pets anymore; fish are rapidly growing in their popularity. Pet fish care is very easy compared to other animals and fish keepers will attest that there has been a growing demand for such convenient pets in the recent past. However, for people who want to keep fish, it is prudent to go a little bit of research into the types of fish they want to keep, their ideal aquarium conditions, their maintenance requirements, etc. to ensure that they can get the most enjoyment and satisfaction from keeping fish.

As far as fish are concerned, paying a little attention initially can help make the aquarium very easy to maintain in the long run. The demand for fish has increased so dramatically over the last few years that it has lead to local shops growing into larger set-ups and has given rise to a fish industry that was never there before. These fish shops are amongst the best places to get valuable information about fish and fish keeping and it would do you good to visit these places to do some research before you decide to set up an aquarium.

Understanding Home Aquarium

There are many different species of fish kept in a fish shop. It is very easy for you to learn about these different varieties of fish, various aspects of effective pet fish care as well as the pointers to proper maintenance of the aquarium for different varieties of fish. You can easily learn about the many sources of bacteria in an aquarium as well as buildup of chemicals in an aquarium that can be harmful for the fish.

You can learn about the various techniques that are used to prevent, control and treat toxins and other substances that threaten the wellbeing of the aquarium fish. You can also find out about the different kinds of products you will need to maintain different kinds of fish, apart from the basic infrastructure. You can learn a lot from the expertise of local pet shop owners and you can also depend on them for good, effective advice. You will also find that buying products from a local pet shop store can easily be a lot more cost effective than buying the same products online.

Keeping fish as a hobby is a lot more than simply buying an aquarium and setting it up for the fish. You will need to buy equipment to maintain your aquarium effectively and you will also need to learn how to use them to create the best possible environment for your fish. You are likely to need support devices such as stand, temperature regulators, filters, lighting and feeding helpers among others and you need to learn to use them effectively to get the best results.

It is important for you to do in-depth research in pet fish care before you decide to keep an aquarium. Whether you choose to research on the net or simply ask your local pet shop owner, you need to know which species can be kept together and which can’t. You will need to learn to separate marine fish from soft water fish amongst other things. Doing these research beforehand will help you set up an ideal home aquarium that is low on maintenance and high on the presence of beautiful, healthy fish.

Source: aquarium fish home


Use Cucumber to Get Rid of Eye’s Dark Circles

Dark circles around the eyes can be experience by anyone at any time. It is a bothering condition that is very hard to get rid of. Dark circles around the eyes can be a primer of certain diseases like allergies, stress and sometimes hereditary. Good thing that cucumber can help you get rid of those dark circles and puffy eyes.

You probably seen the actual procedures of cucumber eye treatment probably in the movies or in the spas in which a slice of cucumber is placed on top of the affected area of the eyes making your face look like a salad. Cucumbers can help reverse the effect of puffy eyes and darkening of the lower portion of the eye socket.

Cucumbers are composed of 90% water which has a hydrating effect to the skin. Some researchers suggests that the cold temperature feeling of cucumber is the reason why it can help reduce the puffiness of the skin.

Use Cucumber to Get Rid of Eye's Dark Circles

Below are the various method you can apply to eliminate dark circles and eye bags.

Use cucumber strips
Slice cucumber into thin slices and apply it to the affected areas of the eyes an hour before sleeping. You may apply slight massage into the eye bags after you take off the cucumbers.

Identify the cause of eye bags
The number one cause of dark circles and eye bags are allergies. Learn to study your body’s reaction to products or foods that you suspect as the real cause of your eye bags. If you found your allergen, try to avoid it at all cost to prevent dark circles under your eyes.

Avoid stress
Stress is a silent killer. It can be a start of any killer diseases known to man. You must learn not to tire yourself from work or any activity than can weaken you. Have enough rest and sleep everyday. Stress can lead to mental problems which can contribute to eye bags and dark circles.

Apply cool tea bags
A good alternative of cucumber is to apply cool tea bags to the eyes. It can imitate the coldness of cucumber and can help reduce the puffiness of your eyes. Just put a cold water to the tea bag and place it to the affected area before sleeping.

Don’t rub your eyes
Rubbing your eyes can trigger allergies. Rubbing irritates the skin which results to more redness and darkening of the skin.

A good healthy diet
Healthy diet with low sugar and salt plus plenty of water can contribute to a healthy eyes and skin. Eyes darkening is a symptom of lack of vitamin K and other antioxidants. A healthy diet with lots of fiber from fruits and vegetables are highly recommended.

Other tips include using an eye cream with vitamin K and retinol and quit smoking. No matter what the cause of dark circles and eye bags, you can use these natural methods on how to treat it properly without the help of chemicals found in cosmetics. Remember that cucumber is the best natural method and probably the most popular one in treating eye dark circles and eye bags.

Mental Health

Your First Cichlid Aquarium

So you’re thinking about trying cichlids. A good choice. In this article I shall try to give a few examples of good cichlid aquariums that are suitable for beginners. I’ve tried to suggest set-ups that will be beautiful and easy to maintain, and species that are easily bred so that you might observe this fascinating side of cichlid behaviour.

This article targets those who haven’t that much experience with aquariums in general and cichlids in particular. If you are a more experienced aquarist who is just new to cichlids these set-ups will still be good, and you have a lot of other options as well since you are probably capable of keeping more sensitive species than those suggested in this article.

Your First Cichlid Aquarium


It is possible to keep some cichlids, such as Lamprologus ocellatus, in very small aquariums. However, for your first cichlid aquarium I would recommend a larger aquarium of no less than 30 gallons/120 L. There are several reasons for this:

- A larger aquarium is easier to maintain and easier to keep in good condition.

- Cichlids are aggressive. Some cichlids are much more aggressive than others, but almost all cichlids are aggressive and a larger aquarium makes it easier for weaker fish to avoid this hostility.

- Cichlid behaviour is usually more interesting if you can keep more than one isolated pair in an aquarium. For example this may allow you to see the parents guarding their young.

Water conditions:

Which water conditions you should have depends on which cichlids you want to keep since their preferences differ greatly. For your first aquarium I recommend keeping species that are less sensitive to water conditions, and if you choose to try the species I recommend in this article you normally won’t have to think about water conditions. I don’t recommend keeping cichlids from the great African lakes as your first cichlids if you are an inexperienced aquarist, since they have more specialised demands.


The cichlids I recommend accept all kind of food, however I would recommend giving them a diverse diet consisting of pellets/flakes, frozen food and occasional live food.


Now to the fun part: choosing fish species to your new aquarium. I will give three examples of possible aquariums. The first one has its origin in African rivers and is more friendly, while the second one features cichlids from Central America. I will also give a suggestion for a composition that has its origins in the Amazon. However this composition is a little bit harder to get to breed and requires a larger aquarium. I would recommend at least 50 gallon/ 200 L.

1. African cichlid aquarium (30 gallons)

1 pair of kribs (Pelvicachromis pulcher)

1 pair of African butterfly cichlids (Anomalochromis thomasi)

1 pair of Egyptian mouth-brooders (Pseudocrenilabrus multicolor)

4 Ancistrus (plecos)

2. Central American aquarium (30 gallons):

1 pair of Archocentrus sajica (T-Bar cichlid)

1 pair of convicts (Archocentrus nigrofasciatus)

2 Hypostomus (plecos)

3. Amazon aquarium (50 gallons):

4 angelfish ( Pterophyllum scalare)

1 pair of Aequidens curviceps

1 pair of Aequidens maronii (Keyhole cichlid)

6 Ancistrus (plecos)

Tank set-ups:

1. African cichlid aquarium

All of these species are relatively friendly and have different behaviours that will reduce stress between the different pairs. These species prefer a well planted aquarium and leave your plants alone so that you can use all sorts of plants. They also require hiding and spawning places. Kribs spawn in caves which can be created using roots, rocks and flowerpots. A. Thomasi spawns on flat surfaces such as rocks. You will have to leave free areas without plants and rocks to create swimming space and allow you to see your fish more often. Use fine sand as this promotes spawning of Egyptian mouth-brooders. If you just keep the aquarium clean and your fish well fed they will thrive and spawn in this aquarium. If you find your aquarium a little empty you can add some small schooling fish such as tetras to the upper water levels.

2. Central American aquarium

The species in this set-up are more aggressive, which explains why I only recommend keeping two species in this tank. Both species lay their eggs on rocks so caves aren’t that necessary, but I would still recommended that you create a few as hiding places as these species can be quite aggressive. This is especially true when they are spawning and caring for their young. A sajica usually leaves your plants alone, but convicts often eat plants, so I recommend using more hardy plants such as sword plants, anubias and Java ferns if you want to use plants. Whether to keep plants or not is completely up to the aquarist. The cichlids will thrive with or without plants as long as you provide a few hiding places. Both species are very easy to breed and it is almost impossible to keep convicts from spawning. It can be very hard to find new homes for the fry, so I recommend letting the parents keep their young and see if any survive. In this aquarium some usually will.

3. Amazon aquarium

As I said earlier, it is preferable for this aquarium to be at least 50 gallons since these fish get a little bigger. Angelfish shouldn’t be kept in aquariums that are less than 50 cm/ 20 inches high. These species are still easy to care for but require a little more from their keeper to spawn. The aquarium should be well planted with free areas for the fish to swim in. Use large sword plants or cryptocoryne species to give the angels what they need to spawn. The other species requires roots or rocks to spawn on. Caves are not necessary but preferable, especially for A. curviceps. If you find this aquarium a little empty you might add some free-swimming schooling fish to the aquarium. Never use neon tetras with angelfish, as angelfish like to eat them. The same is true for a number of other small tetras. If you keep the water clean and the fish well fed they will thrive and with a little bit of luck, spawn.

Final words

I have given just a few suggestions for possible cichlid aquariums (there are a lot more) and when you get a little more experience with cichlids the possibilities are countless. Cichlids are very interesting and often beautiful fishes and many of them are quite simple to keep. These are only a few of the reasons behind their popularity. Try them, you won’t regret it!

Aquarium Fish Home


Bethlehem woman makes homemade chocolates

Majeda Salaa works every day to make various kinds of chocolates in a factory that is considered as the first of its kind on the Palestinian territories in the West Bank. The factory, named “Sweetie”, does not belong to any famous chocolate manufacturer, but lies in the Palestinian woman’s home in the small town of Beit Sahour in Bethlehem city.

The manual workshop, established in 2009, consists of three small rooms: one room with mixers and templates for making chocolates, one for packaging, and another for display and sales.

While being busy working to make her favorite chocolates, Salaa told Xinhua that her small project derived from an idea to do something special and at the same time improve the living conditions of the family.

“Our financial circumstances were extremely hard, so I decided to get a loan through Bethlehem Chamber of Commerce, which provides finance to small projects presented by Palestinian women, ” Salaa said, adding that the funds of the chamber of commerce usually comes from Italy.

Salaa presented a proposal of her project and was granted a loan. “I didn’t believe and I was extremely glad when the answer to finance my project was positive. I felt like my proposal was accepted and my dream of establishing my own factory has become true,” she said.

“First I went to France to learn how to make chocolates manually and then I took an academic course on how to make real chocolates,” Salaa said, adding that she tried several times until she managed to manually make real chocolates.

Salaa makes various kinds of chocolates, mainly regular and black chocolates. She also managed to make white chocolates and other kinds of chocolates mixed with ginger, raisins, dates and nuts.

Referring to one of the chocolate mixers, Salaa said the machine was locally made and it all depends on the person who operates it “to make sure that we put enough ingredients without adding any chemicals or industrial materials.”

“We usually use the raw materials of best quality that are usually used in Europe, in addition to using the natural stuff such as herbs and other kinds of materials that can be found in the local markets,” she said, adding that “it wasn’t easy at all to make chocolates that everybody likes.”

Salaa’s products have joined several local exhibitions. The 49- year-old, who represents a sample of the Palestinian women who help their families overcome the difficulties of life, hopes that one day she will be able to participate in the Arab and international exhibitions.

Palestinian National Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and Prime Minister Salam Fayyad enjoyed tasting her handmade chocolates, Salaa said, adding that “I’m so proud they tasted my chocolates when they visited Bethlehem several months ago. They said they like it so much.”

She said a French delegation had also visited her small factory and decided to pay her some funds to develop the shop. “They funded 30 percent of (money for) developing the factory and I paid the rest.”

In a place like Bethlehem that usually witnesses lots of holidays and feasts, Saslaa has to work hard during these days to make chocolates for customers not only from the Palestinian territories, but from all over the world.

The customers coming to the sales room where nice and attractive packages of chocolates are displayed are usually received by Salaa’s husband Issam el-Hayek, an engineer who said he also likes to sell chocolates.

“I hope that the Palestinian (National) Authority would one day back our small project. Although our chocolates are homemade, they are considered as products of the nation that need to be supported for their sale in the market,” he said.

Source: Health Care URL: http://www.sousougougou.com

How to Breed Guppies

Breeding guppies is fun and easy. You will enjoy the experience and love watching the baby guppies grow up. All you need is a male and female guppy.


1、You need at least two female guppies per one male guppy. Three is normally better so that not only one female gets chased by the male. Separate them until you want them to breed.

2、Set up a 10-20 gallon tank with a heater and gentle filter. If the filter is too strong, cover it with tights so the fry do not get stuck.

  • Do not use any substrate. A bare bottom tank is good for fry as it cleans easily and you can record how many fry are alive or how much they eat.
  • Java moss or spawning mops provides a nice hiding spot for guppy fry.
  • Guppy fry tend to sink, so use low-floating plants for their cover. Some high cover is also required as healthy fry will swim upwards.

3、Place the fish in the tank with similar conditions (temperature, etc.) as the tank they were in before.

Set the temperature to around 77-79 degrees Fahrenheit while the females and male are in the tank together. You should also give them food with higher nutritional value to get them in the breeding mood.

How to Breed Guppies

4、Place the male back into his own tank after the female/s get pregnant. You can tell whether the female is pregnant or not by looking near her anus and seeing whether there is a dark mark in that area, called a gravid spot. All females will have this, but it becomes noticeably darker when the eggs have been fertilized.

5、Wait 26-31 days after fertilisation, as the average gestation period is 28 days. Fish have been before and after this, however. Then, when the female will be ready to give birth, her stomach should be very large and her gravid spot will be deep black (maroon in paler guppies). Her stomach will also stop growing large and round, but square off, like a cardboard box.

Some people claim to see the eyes of the babies, but this doesn’t happen all the time. She gives birth to live babies, not eggs. Some signs of labor are: being very still and secluding herself, shivering (contractions), hanging out near the heater, change in appetite. Also watch how she eats, and take notes if she spits the food out again.

6、Try to be present when she gives birth, but if you cannot be, place lots of plants and hiding spots for the fry, else mom will eat them. When she has given birth, place her in her original tank, leaving the fry in their own tank.

7、When the fry are born, tank temperature should be around 78 degrees F.

8、Immediately remove all dead fry when you see them. Any accumulated waste is bad for guppy fry.

9、Feed the fry brine shrimp, microworms or powdered flakes, several times a day. Remember that fry are tiny and if you place too much food in the tank, the excess waste may kill them.

10、A filter is dangerous to the fry because they are likely to be sucked into it, so cover the end with tights.

11、Siphon the tank carefully every time it gets too dirty and do 40% water changes every few days to keep the water clean. Remember that the tank should be only about half full, if you are using a five or ten gallon tank, to minimize work on your part.

12、Move the fry when they get old enough. When the fry are a good size, or about a month and a half to two months old you may put them in a tank with non aggressive fish, sell them to your local pet store, or give them to friends as gifts. Make sure you plan out how you will handle extra fry so they always have a home.

Source: Aquarium Fish URL: http://www.fishworlds.com