
How to Breed Fancy Guppies

Asking an aquarium owner how to breed fancy guppies is a bit like asking one how to keep the fish wet. As long as you have a male and a female fancy guppy in your tank, breeding will take place. But, if the goal is to breed fancy guppies to get viable, attractive, or even show-quality guppy fry, the answer to the question becomes more complex.

Breed Guppies – Choosing Stock

The first step in any successful guppy breeding program is choosing the male and female individual fish you want to breed. A bunch of fancy guppies in a communal tank will breed indiscriminately and produce many different color and pattern variations as well as wild type gray guppies.

Choose fancy guppy parents that share color or pattern combinations that you want to replicate. If only one has the desired style, breed that male with a blonde female. These females, which are pale yellow in color, have mostly recessive genes and the offspring will usually take the appearance of the male.

Breed Fancy Guppies – Create the Mood

These fish hardly need moonlight and roses to get in the mood for breeding, but aquarium set up can still be important. Male fancy guppies will chase female to the point of exhaustion. Provide hiding holes or dense natural plants to give the female a chance to get away from her pursuor when she needs to. A small fish tank is ideal for breeding just one pair of fancy guppies.

Breed Fancy Guppies – Save the Fry

After mating the male should be removed from the breeding tank. Not only is he no longer needed, he will harass the female fancy guppy still. This stress and exhaustion could cause re-absorption of eggs or an early drop before the baby fish are formed.

Fancy guppies gestate for approximately twenty-eight days, but could be on either side of that number. Watch the dark gravid spot on the female fish’s abdomen.

One option is to use a breeder box with separate sections for the mother fish and the fry she will drop. Many guppy enthusiasts think it is better to use a heavily planted birthing tank to reduce stress on the mother. Protecting the fry from the mother is essential, as guppies will eat their own young.

Caring for Guppy Fry

After the guppy fry are dropped and the mother has a chance to recover from her stressful ordeal, move the female guppy back to the community tank. The baby fish, or fry, should be cared for in the nursery tank or breeder box until they are large enough to join the other fancy guppies in the main tank. This usually takes several months.

During this waiting period, most serious fancy guppy breeders will cull the fry for quality. Culling is essentially killing and disposing of the guppy fry that have undesireable traits. It is an essential part of fancy guppy breeding when quality stock is wanted.

Source: Goldfish

Raw Food Health Benefits

Raw food health substances are found in living plant foods. They have amazing capabilities to cure and prevent diseases and chronic illnesses. Around the world more and more people are adding these foods to their diet or switching to a completely diet composed completely of living foods.

Why Eat Raw Produce?

The reason behind this revolution is nutrition. When you cook food, vegetables and fruits, above an average of 115°F all of the nutritional value found naturally in the food is lost.

To keep the nutritional value in fruits and vegetables it is important to eat living plant foods. Raw food related health discoveries are being made every day. These foods are low in sodium and high in other important substances. Magnesium, folate, fiber, and potassium are all passed to your body when you consume uncooked foods.

The Real Deal in Raw Foods

Raw food health substances are the real deal says Dr. Marc Eugene, a French doctor who recommends a this diet to his arthritis patients. According to Eugene, “Raw foods give you many positives. It is a real deal diet. A diet of fresh fruits and vegetables is the source of so many minerals and vitamins needed for your health.”

Dr. Eugene is correct in his statement and its validity has been proven by many scientific studies. But with such a varied range of these foods available what should you eat for better health?

Experts in raw food health suggest eating what is in season. The best and most flavorful produce will be whatever is growing at that time in your local area. For example, in the United States corn and tomatoes are best in the summer months, strawberries peak in May, and oranges are a cold, winter treat.

All In the Specifics

Once you have determined what is in season you can look for specific nutrients in foods. Cancer preventative substances are found in carotenoids. These substances include beta-carotene, lycopene, and lutien.

Beta-carotene can be found in raw carrots and sweet potatoes. If you need to add lutien to your diet you should eat raw dark and leafy greens. These include kale, spinach, turnip greens, mustard greens, and others. And, the best source of lycopene is a red, ripe, fresh tomato.

Women of child bearing age are susceptible to increased amounts of estrogen that can lead to breast cancer in some cases. As a preventative women can consume phytoestrogens. These are raw health substances that perform like low doses of estrogen. You will find phytoestrogens in soybeans, peas, sprouts, and dried beans.

Many other life giving substances are found in these foods. The list is almost endless. Vitamin C, Vitamin E, folic Acid, Selenium, dietary fiber, Dithiolthiones, and glucosiholates are all found in raw, fresh fruits and vegetables.

The Miracle Cure

Along with cancer these food health substances prevent and cure many other physical and emotional illnesses. Arthritis, fibromyalgia, heart disease, high blood pressure, depression, and anxiety can all be successfully treated with living foods.

The diet has been a miracle cure. Proponents of living foods agree that raw food health benefits are numerous. Why not start today? Change your diet and change your life!

Source: Health Care


How to choose the Cichlid

1, the body should be symmetrical, the color the more remarkable in normal circumstances as possible. Note: Some breeders are now using the Yang-color agent too, although it will make the DwarfCichlid in South America looks bright than many, but the fish is not good, so too have to reconsider excellent!

2, Do not dry flat belly is a special thin stomach, although some imported fish just did not eat very long time, there will be such a situation, but most choose to avoid this kind of fish.

3, the scale should be neatly arranged in no defects, and some artificial fish scales due to a number of special factors arranged row of small disorder, although the fish are still healthy, but still will affect how much you appreciate, so be careful about!

4, see more of South America photos and DwarfCichlid for field guide to the information you want to keep a closer look at the DwarfCichlid should look like, so more likely to pick the fish!

Source:Goldfish url: http://www.fishworlds.com